Aquaculture Sector

BC Salmon Farmer'sAssociation


BC First Nations, scientists, and sector launch collaborative salmon farming ‘textbook’ ahead of DFO licence re-issuance ~ April 5, 2024 ~ LAICHKWILTACH TERRITORY/CAMPBELL RIVER, BC – Today, the Coalition of First Nations for Finfish Stewardship (the Coalition), the BC Salmon Farmers Association (BCSFA), and the BC Centre for Aquatic Health Sciences (BC CAHS) announce the release of a 500-page collaborative publication on the BC salmon farming sector with contributions and data from First Nations, Pacific Ocean scientists, the sector, subject matter experts, government and eNGOS. 


Reissuing of Salmon Farming Licenses Present Opportunity for Transition ~ March 12, 2024 ~ CAMPBELL RIVER, BC – As salmon farming licences held by B.C.’s salmon farming sector expire at the end of June 2024, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has an opportunity to thoughtfully consider the reissuance in light of transition commitments. While past performance related to impacts and incidental catch is important context, the situation has evolved significantly in recent years through new agreements, standards and technologies aimed at minimizing interactions and risks to wild Pacific salmon.


Anti-Salmon Farming Radio Advertisement Removed for False Advertising ~ February 1, 2024 ~ CAMPBELL RIVER, BC – The BC Salmon Farmers Association (BCSFA) expresses gratitude to Pattison Media for taking swift action to stop airing a factually incorrect radio advertisement by Wild First, an anti-salmon farming organization.


Ottawa Anti-Salmon Farming Billboards Removed for False Advertising ~ December 6, 2023 ~ Ottawa  Anti-salmon farming billboards around Ottawa have been removed for false advertising. The false statements included claims from eco-activist group Wild First that “Open-net pen salmon farms are banned in Washington, Oregon, California, and Alaska.” Based on this inaccurate information, the ads called on Ottawa to “remove all salmon farms from B.C. waters.”

Additional Resources:

~ Alaska Salmon Enhancement Report



~ Coller FAIRR


Salmon Farmers Recognized As Global Leaders in Sustainability ~ November 9, 2023 ~ CAMPBELL RIVER, BC – The FAIRR Initiative released their 2023/2024 Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index. Seven of the top 10 producers were salmon farmers, with B.C. companies Mowi and Grieg Seafood ranked first and third.


Long-term independent data shows salmon farms are not a driver of sea lice levels on wild juvenile salmon ~ September 14, 2023 ~ CAMPBELL RIVER, BC – Since 2017, out-migrating juvenile wild salmon have been monitored annually by independent professional biological consultants in multiple salmon farming regions of British Columbia. During this time, no data has shown an increase in sea lice levels on wild salmon that have migrated past salmon farms in the Discovery Islands region.


Celebration or Concern? The Global Pink Salmon Boom ~ August 18, 2023 ~ CAMPBELL RIVER, BC – Fisheries scientists say that, over the past 50 years, pink salmon populations have steadily increased to the point of concern. Since records have been kept, the Pacific Ocean has never hosted as many salmon as today. The pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), one of the five main Pacific salmon species, has thrived as climate change pushes water temperatures to record highs.


BC Salmon Farmers Welcome Minister Lebouthillier as the new Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard ~ July 26, 2023 ~ CAMPBELL RIVER, BC – BC Salmon Farmers welcome the Honourable Minister Diane Lebouthillier as the new federal Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard (DFO) and look forward to discussing the importance of the salmon farming sector here in British Columbia.


Further closures of salmon farms in BC will work against innovation and a successful transition ~ May 25, 2023 ~ CAMPBELL RIVER, BC – The BC Salmon Farmers Association (BCSFA) has grave concerns that the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), the Honourable Joyce Murray, is committed to closing salmon farming in BC, a sector that provides thousands of direct and indirect jobs in coastal, rural British Columbia.


BC Salmon Farmers Respond to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans ‘What We Heard’ Report on recent consultations ~ May 19, 2023 ~ CAMPBELL RIVER, BC – Salmon farmers in BC have received the ‘What We Heard’ report from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). The report summarizes feedback collected during phases 1 and 2 of DFO’s Discussion Framework on the Future of Salmon Aquaculture in BC. It captures some crucial points the salmon farming sector raised during consultations.


“A Devastating Decision” says BC Salmon Farmers as DFO Ignores First Nations Rights and Title, and Science ~ February 17, 2023 ~ CAMPBELL RIVER, BC – The Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard (DFO), Joyce Murray, announced earlier today her commitment to the closure of all farms in the core territories of the Laich-kwil-tach and Klahoose First Nations – a region DFO calls the Discovery Islands.


British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Food report concludes land-based salmon farming faces many challenges ~ February 15, 2023 ~ CAMPBELL RIVER, BC – A newly released report commissioned by the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food concludes that regulatory uncertainty, high capital cost, low returns on investment, and lack of incentive to locate facilities in BC are the primary restraints challenging the development of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), also known as land-based and closed containment, salmon farming in BC.


Government of Canada science report confirms “No statistically relevant association” regarding sea lice and the production of farmed salmon ~ January 24, 2023 ~ A new peer-reviewed Science Response Report published on the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) website by the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) concludes that sea lice on farm-raised salmon does not impact sea lice levels on wild juvenile salmon in British Columbia.


Rights and Reconciliation Leads Salmon Farming Transition Plan ~ January 18, 2023 ~ CAMPBELL RIVER, B.C. – A new report titled, “BC Salmon Aquaculture Transition: Then & Now”, details how First Nations right to self-determination and reconciliation will lead the way to a successful transition plan for salmon farming in British Columbia. The report also outlines how the sector’s deep history of innovation supports the federal government’s vision for BC aquaculture, reconciliation, food security, the blue economy, and climate friendly protein production.


No link between wild salmon returns and active salmon farms  ~ August 12, 2022 ~ Recent statements issued to Vancouver media from anti-salmon farming campaigners are contrary to data and evidence.


BC Salmon Farmers respond to the Government of Canada’s proposed transition framework and engagement process ~ July 29, 2022 ~ CAMPBELL RIVER, B.C. – The BC Salmon Farmers are pleased to read language in the Government of Canada’s proposed transition discussion framework that aligns with our current operational values.


Canada’s Salmon farmers respond to the federal government’s decision to renew salmon farming licenses in British Columbia, Canada ~ June 22, 2022 ~ The decision is a key validation of the importance of the salmon farming industry to rural, coastal communities and procedural fairness, but greater certainty is needed to build Canada’s Blue Economy and to secure a popular and critical Canadian affordable and sustainable food supply.


Response to recent articles about activities fear-mongering about PRV in farmed salmon  ~ May 18, 2022 ~ Summary — Anti-farm salmon activists in a variety of venues and media, are erroneously suggesting PRV (Piscine orthoreovirus) is a serious threat to wild salmon in BC. PRV is a common, relatively benign, and widely distributed marine virus of salmon and trout. 


Statement: Response to Discovery Islands Judicial Review Ruling ~ April 25, 2022 ~ The BC Salmon Farmers Association is encouraged that the Federal Court has set aside the Decision of the Minister to remove salmon farming in the Discovery Islands and has upheld the earlier injunction granted on April 5, 2021.


Statement: Response to April 14, 2022 Globe and Mail Article ~ April 20, 2022 ~ The study referenced by Ian Bailey in the Globe & Mail was not conducted by the BC Salmon Farmers and we had no control over whether or when the manuscript was published. We understand the study was not published because the main co-authors did not agree on a conclusion based on the data.


BC Coastal Communities Face Major Economic Damage, Job Losses if Salmon Farm Licences are not reissued by DFO ~ February 23, 2022 ~ NEW ECONOMIC ANALYSIS REVEALS MORE THAN 4,700 JOBS and $1.2 BILLION IN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY AT RISK IF 79 LICENCES NOT REISSUED The BC Salmon Farmers Association have released an independent economic analysis outlining the consequences to BC’s Indigenous and non-Indigenous coastal communities if 79 salmon farming licences are not reissued by the federal government by June 2022.


Response to Minister Murray’s 2021 Mandate Letter ~ December 16, 2021 ~ “Continue to work with the province of British Columbia and Indigenous communities on a responsible plan to transition from open net-pen salmon farming in coastal British Columbia waters by 2025 and work to introduce Canada’s first-ever Aquaculture Act.” The mandate released today by the federal government to develop a responsible plan for transition of open-net salmon farms by 2025 is consistent with our industry’s approach to work with the Province’s coastal Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities to advance our sector.


Sea Lice in the Discovery Islands ~ Released November 25th, 2021 ~ BCSFA released a Discovery Islands Sea Lice Report on Thursday, November 25th, 2021, authored by our Director of Science and Policy, Brian Kingzett. The report analyzed five years of independent sea lice data in the Discovery Islands and concluded that sea lice levels on wild Pacific salmon have been low both prior to and after the Discovery Islands decision to decommission farms in the area.


Innovation and Technology Report ~ Released July 29th, 2021 ~ Today, the B.C. Salmon Farmers Association launched its 2021 Innovation and Technology Report Update – highlighting innovation, progress and accomplishments made across the B.C. Salmon Aquaculture sector since the inaugural 2019 B.C. Salmon Aquaculture Innovation and Technology Report.


Science Advances PRV Report Called Into Question ~ June 11 2021 ~ On May 25, a study entitled Aquaculture mediates global transmission of a viral pathogen to wild salmon was published in the journal, Science Advances. This study was part of the Strategic Salmon Health Initiative (SSHI) – and highlights yet again the long-standing concerns of the BC salmon farming industry regarding the credibility of research supported by the SSHI.


Surrey Impact Report ~ Released April 14, 2021 ~ BCSFA recently released a report titled, “Consequences of the Decision to Shut Down Salmon Farming in the Discovery Islands.” The report states that the Discovery Islands decision, if unaltered, will put nearly 1,500 well-paid B.C. jobs at risk and cause the euthanization of up to 10.7 million fish (equivalent to over 210 million meals). This decision puts the entire $1.6 billion industry in B.C. at risk.


Discovery Damage Report ~ February 23, 2021 ~ Based on the findings of an independent economic analysis released today, B.C.’s salmon farming community is calling on the federal government to set aside its decision to force the closure of farms in the Discovery Islands area and engage a new process. The report by RIAS Inc. found the decision could cost more than 1,500 people their livelihoods and kill more than 10 million juvenile salmon and eggs, while having long-term impacts on numerous communities.


BCSFA Economic Recovery Report ~ Released November 9, 2020 ~ Investment through 2050 would create almost 10,000 new jobs, add cumulative $44 billion in new economic activity An independent report out today indicates BC’s salmon farming industry has the potential to be a leader in BC’s post-pandemic economic recovery by stimulating $44 billion in new economic output by 2050.


BC Salmon Farmers Launch DEEPER DIVE: A Science-based platform that corrects misinformation ~ Released October 15, 2020 ~ The BC Salmon Farmers Association has launched a new platform called Deeper Dive, which uses science and research to address and correct misinformation and disinformation that the salmon farming industry has faced for decades. Deeper Dive addresses 10 topics related to the sector that are often misunderstood by the public. Topics include Sea Lice, PRV, Land Based, Safety and Quality, Ocean Floor, Wild Salmon, Fish Escapes, Fish Health and Welfare, Cohen Commission, and Feed.